
Ancaman kehancuran lingkungan, sosial budaya dan ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh korporasi yang berselingkuh dengan negara ada di depan mata. Rencana pendirian pabrik semen di Pati, Jawa Tengah akhirnya banyak menimbulkan keresahan, ketegangan dan pertentangan. Hal tersebut timbul karena lokasi rencana pembangunan pabrik semen di pegunungan Kendeng Utara itu terdapat ratusan mata air yang menjadi sumber penghidupan masyarakat.
Penolakan proyek pabrik semen itu tidak hanya muncul dari para petani di Sukolilo, tetapi juga komunitas Sedulur Sikep atau biasa disebut dengan Wong Samin, komunitas adat lokal yang dikenal dalam masyarakat Jawa sangat arif dan pencinta lingkungan yang sederhana.
Namun upaya penyelamatan dan pelestarian lingkungan itu kini mendapat hadangan besar. Terkait dengan aksi penolakan rencana pembangunan pabrik semen tersebut kini ada sembilan orang petani sekaligus aktivis lingkungan dan komunitas adat yang ditahan.
Kronologis kejadiannya dimulai pada pagi hari Kamis, 22 Januari 2009 ketika warga ingin berdialog menanyakan kejelasan kepada Kepala Desa terkait dengan kabar penjualan tanah milik desa, yang setelah satu hari sebelumnya tak mendapat respon dari Kepala Desa hingga akhirnya melakukan aksi penancapan poster di tanah desa yang akan dijual dengan tulisan “Tanah Desa Adalah Milik Rakyat”. Karena pada pagi itu pun tidak kunjung ditemui oleh Kepala Desa, massa yang kecewa akhirnya melakukan pemblokadean pada empat buah mobil team survey PT Semen yang datang. Aksi berlangsung damai. Namun hingga sepuluh jam berlalu sampai malam hari tiba tuntutan dialog warga tak terpenuhi juga. Warga tetap duduk sabar menunggu.
Situasi memanas saat sekitar 250 personel Brimob dan Samapta bergerak ke arah warga yang duduk di sekitar mobil milik Semen Gresik. Mereka merangsek sambil meneriakkan cacian dan menyingkirkan warga yang mengelilingi mobil. Para polisi menendang, memukul,menginjak hingga melemparkan laki-laki dan perempuan yang tetap bertahan. Jeritan perempuan dan anak-anak yang panik terdengar. Aksi represifitas aparat tersebut akhirnya dilawan oleh warga. Anak-anak, ibu-ibu, pemuda hingga orangtua bersatupadu membalas kesewenang-wenangan yang dilakukan. Hujan batu terjadi disertai dengan tembakan dari polisi. Tiga belas polisi luka-luka dan tiga buah mobil milik PT Semen Gresik hancur. Puluhan warga, laki-laki dan perempuan, menjadi korban tindakan brutal aparat . Kamera video dan foto yang dibawa oleh kawan-kawan rusak berat.
Tanpa cukup bukti kuat polisi lalu menangkap sembilan warga. Mereka dijerat dengan tuduhan tindak kekerasan, penghasutan, dan melakukan perbuatan tidak menyenangkan. Sembilan warga yang ditahan di antaranya adalah: Kamsi (65), Sunarto (52), Sudarto (48), Sukarman (26), Sutikno (26), Gunarto (25), Purwanto (22), Mualim (21) dan Zainul (20).
Aksi brutal polisi terus berlanjut. Pasca penangkapan, represifitas berbentuk penyiksaan mental hingga fisik kembali dilakukan oleh polisi. dengan menghajar sembilan orang warga. Luka memar di bagian kepala, pelipis robek, hingga mata yang tidak bisa dipakai melek.
Saat ini ke sembilan petani pejuang lingkungan tersebut masih mendekam dalam tahanan Mapolda Semarang, menunggu sidang peradilan. Untuk itu, atas nama bumi tanah air dan perjuangan rakyat melawan tirani, kami menyerukan dan mengajak kawan-kawan seperjuangan di manapun berada untuk berpartisipasi aktif bersolidaritas:
Bebaskan segera sembilan orang saudara dari penjara!
Hentikan proyek PT. Semen Gresik di Jawa Tengah sekarang juga!
Once again we have to face another obstacle in stopping the corporation from destroying our environment, cultural and economy. Together with the plan to built the cement factory in Pati, Central Java that caused lots of conflicts and problems among local people because the factory will be built on the North Kendeng mountain where are most rivers and lakes are located, the authorities has arrested nine farmers and activists that join the protest.
This rejection towards the cement factory it's not only come from Sukolilo's farmers but also Sedulur Sikep community or used to be called Wong Samin, the local community being known in Javanese society as very wise and humble environment fighters.
But this effort now facing an obstacle related with the arrests of nine farmers and environment activists during their protest to close this cement factory.
The chronology of the event start Thursday morning, 22 January 2009 when the people would like to have a dialog with their village authority on the news of the selling of their land to the Semen Gresik, one day after they made posters with the statement that Our Land Belongs To Us because of zero response from their village authority regarding this news. Because the authority seemed to refuse to meet them, they decide to block and closed the road from the four survey cars from Semen Gresik that arrived that day. But then when the night comes and there is still no news from the authority for having that dialog with them, those people just sit and wait patiently without making any violence acts at all.
The situation got intense when there were 250 Brimob and Samapta suddenly move towards the people that sit around the Semen Gresik's cars. They scream and swearing towards the people while trying to make them move away from those cars violently. They kick, hit, step on and throw woman and men that insist to stay. Women's and children screaming in panicked. Then people started to fight back. Children, women, men and even elders throwing rocks towards those officers while the sound of gunshots on the air. Thirteen police officers wounded and three Semen Gresik's cars destroyed. Many people, man and women, being victims of those police's brutality. Video camera and digital camera belongs to our friends are also heavily damaged.
Without having a strong evidences the police then arrest those nine people. They are under arrest with accusation of violence, persuasion and doing unpleasant activities. Among those nine people that being arrested there were Kamsi (65 yo), Sunarto (52 yo), Sudarto (48 yo), Sukarman (26 yo), Sutikno (26 yo), Gunarto (25 yo), Purwanto (22 yo), Mualim (21 yo) and Zainul (20 yo).
These police brutality actions are still continuing after the arrest by physical and mental repressions by hitting those nine farmers on their heads, eyes and other parts of their bodies.
At present, those nine farmers are still under arrest at the Semarang Police Station, in central Java, waiting for their further trial. Therefore, in the name of our land and people's fight against those tyrants, we are calling out all of our friends out there to be actively involved on this solidarity effort.
Release our nine brothers from prison as soon as possible!
Stop the Semen Gresik project at Central Java right away!
dari pegunungan kendeng
sekar jati
contact : supersamin_inc@yahoo.com
Kronologis kejadiannya dimulai pada pagi hari Kamis, 22 Januari 2009 ketika warga ingin berdialog menanyakan kejelasan kepada Kepala Desa terkait dengan kabar penjualan tanah milik desa, yang setelah satu hari sebelumnya tak mendapat respon dari Kepala Desa hingga akhirnya melakukan aksi penancapan poster di tanah desa yang akan dijual dengan tulisan “Tanah Desa Adalah Milik Rakyat”. Karena pada pagi itu pun tidak kunjung ditemui oleh Kepala Desa, massa yang kecewa akhirnya melakukan pemblokadean pada empat buah mobil team survey PT Semen yang datang. Aksi berlangsung damai. Namun hingga sepuluh jam berlalu sampai malam hari tiba tuntutan dialog warga tak terpenuhi juga. Warga tetap duduk sabar menunggu.
Situasi memanas saat sekitar 250 personel Brimob dan Samapta bergerak ke arah warga yang duduk di sekitar mobil milik Semen Gresik. Mereka merangsek sambil meneriakkan cacian dan menyingkirkan warga yang mengelilingi mobil. Para polisi menendang, memukul,menginjak hingga melemparkan laki-laki dan perempuan yang tetap bertahan. Jeritan perempuan dan anak-anak yang panik terdengar. Aksi represifitas aparat tersebut akhirnya dilawan oleh warga. Anak-anak, ibu-ibu, pemuda hingga orangtua bersatupadu membalas kesewenang-wenangan yang dilakukan. Hujan batu terjadi disertai dengan tembakan dari polisi. Tiga belas polisi luka-luka dan tiga buah mobil milik PT Semen Gresik hancur. Puluhan warga, laki-laki dan perempuan, menjadi korban tindakan brutal aparat . Kamera video dan foto yang dibawa oleh kawan-kawan rusak berat.
Tanpa cukup bukti kuat polisi lalu menangkap sembilan warga. Mereka dijerat dengan tuduhan tindak kekerasan, penghasutan, dan melakukan perbuatan tidak menyenangkan. Sembilan warga yang ditahan di antaranya adalah: Kamsi (65), Sunarto (52), Sudarto (48), Sukarman (26), Sutikno (26), Gunarto (25), Purwanto (22), Mualim (21) dan Zainul (20).
Aksi brutal polisi terus berlanjut. Pasca penangkapan, represifitas berbentuk penyiksaan mental hingga fisik kembali dilakukan oleh polisi. dengan menghajar sembilan orang warga. Luka memar di bagian kepala, pelipis robek, hingga mata yang tidak bisa dipakai melek.
Saat ini ke sembilan petani pejuang lingkungan tersebut masih mendekam dalam tahanan Mapolda Semarang, menunggu sidang peradilan. Untuk itu, atas nama bumi tanah air dan perjuangan rakyat melawan tirani, kami menyerukan dan mengajak kawan-kawan seperjuangan di manapun berada untuk berpartisipasi aktif bersolidaritas:
Bebaskan segera sembilan orang saudara dari penjara!
Hentikan proyek PT. Semen Gresik di Jawa Tengah sekarang juga!
Once again we have to face another obstacle in stopping the corporation from destroying our environment, cultural and economy. Together with the plan to built the cement factory in Pati, Central Java that caused lots of conflicts and problems among local people because the factory will be built on the North Kendeng mountain where are most rivers and lakes are located, the authorities has arrested nine farmers and activists that join the protest.
This rejection towards the cement factory it's not only come from Sukolilo's farmers but also Sedulur Sikep community or used to be called Wong Samin, the local community being known in Javanese society as very wise and humble environment fighters.
But this effort now facing an obstacle related with the arrests of nine farmers and environment activists during their protest to close this cement factory.
The chronology of the event start Thursday morning, 22 January 2009 when the people would like to have a dialog with their village authority on the news of the selling of their land to the Semen Gresik, one day after they made posters with the statement that Our Land Belongs To Us because of zero response from their village authority regarding this news. Because the authority seemed to refuse to meet them, they decide to block and closed the road from the four survey cars from Semen Gresik that arrived that day. But then when the night comes and there is still no news from the authority for having that dialog with them, those people just sit and wait patiently without making any violence acts at all.
The situation got intense when there were 250 Brimob and Samapta suddenly move towards the people that sit around the Semen Gresik's cars. They scream and swearing towards the people while trying to make them move away from those cars violently. They kick, hit, step on and throw woman and men that insist to stay. Women's and children screaming in panicked. Then people started to fight back. Children, women, men and even elders throwing rocks towards those officers while the sound of gunshots on the air. Thirteen police officers wounded and three Semen Gresik's cars destroyed. Many people, man and women, being victims of those police's brutality. Video camera and digital camera belongs to our friends are also heavily damaged.
Without having a strong evidences the police then arrest those nine people. They are under arrest with accusation of violence, persuasion and doing unpleasant activities. Among those nine people that being arrested there were Kamsi (65 yo), Sunarto (52 yo), Sudarto (48 yo), Sukarman (26 yo), Sutikno (26 yo), Gunarto (25 yo), Purwanto (22 yo), Mualim (21 yo) and Zainul (20 yo).
These police brutality actions are still continuing after the arrest by physical and mental repressions by hitting those nine farmers on their heads, eyes and other parts of their bodies.
At present, those nine farmers are still under arrest at the Semarang Police Station, in central Java, waiting for their further trial. Therefore, in the name of our land and people's fight against those tyrants, we are calling out all of our friends out there to be actively involved on this solidarity effort.
Release our nine brothers from prison as soon as possible!
Stop the Semen Gresik project at Central Java right away!
dari pegunungan kendeng
sekar jati
contact : supersamin_inc@yahoo.com
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